Experience top-class training, a strong community, and a relaxed atmosphere. Boost fitness, focus, and self-confidence – we look forward to seeing you!
Modern BJJ in Cologne for beginners and advanced, young and old
Jurij Schiefenbusch is an experienced Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu coach and a successful athlete. As a Brazilian National Champion and multiple medalist at European Championships and IBJJF Opens, he has made a name for himself internationally.
His training combines passion and experience, which he gained through intensive training in Brazil. This authentic approach shapes his teaching and sets him apart as a coach. Jurij remains true to his passion, regularly traveling to Brazil to deepen his techniques and keeping his students always up to date. As a black belt, he teaches techniques, values, and the philosophy of BJJ with dedication and expertise.
Jurij Schiefenbusch Founder and Head Coach of the Nova Academy Cologne
Alexander Sak ist mehrfacher Welt- und Europameister im Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu und ehemaliges Mitglied der deutschen Nationalmannschaft. Als einer der erfolgreichsten Athleten Deutschlands perfektionierte er als Sportsoldat seine Techniken und teilt sein Wissen mit Leidenschaft.
Sein Coaching vereint technische Präzision, mentale Stärke und individuelle Betreuung. Sein Ziel: Schüler auf jedem Level dabei zu unterstützen, ihr Potenzial auf der Matte und im Leben zu entfalten.
Alexander Sak Co-Gründer und Trainer der NOVA ACADEMY COLOGNE
Frédéric is one of Germany's most successful grappling athletes and a leading BJJ black belt in Europe. He has won medals at all major IBJJF tournaments and impressed at the prestigious ADCC.
As an experienced coach, Frédéric teaches innovative techniques, strategic thinking, and practical training that individually supports beginners and advanced practitioners. Train with him every Tuesday and improve your grappling under the guidance of a professional.
Frédéric – Elite Grappling Coach at the Nova Academy Cologne
Nova cologne UG Moselstraße 60 50674 Köln Beim Amtsgericht Unter: HRB 1206166 Mobil: 017620616433 Mail: novaacademycologne@gmail.com GL/CEO: Jurij Schiefenbusch
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